Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Questionnaire Result

Question 7:

I find, when a lot of people are upset they tend to hide it from others, therefore by asking this question and the answers are anonymous people can be a bit more open and honest with their answers. The majority of the answers were that they know when they are upset and they try to deal with it themselves.

Questionnaire Result

Question 8:
The answers for this question had a mixture of responses over half of the people who answered feel that they are the cause of their own problems and a smart amount at 23.53% of people blame others for their problems.

Questionnaire Results

Question 6:
By having this particular question was to also help us in a way to see how others would cope through difficult times. We did not receive the same responses throughout, the answers varied from ' I am strong' to 'by staying positive.'

Questionnaire Result

Question 5:

This question is also an open answer question, with two questions divided into one. The Majority of answers I received were that peoples greatest supports seem to be their partners, I find this the case with myself too I feel comfortable confining in my partner with anything especially when I am going through difficult times.

Questionnaire Result

Question 4:

This question is our main focus as we want to know how people cope with situation, here we have noticed that there are two types of people. People who talk to others, and others like to keep busy theses are both ways of coping but in such opposite ways.

4 people marked 'Other' and the comments were:
- 'I don't have everyday difficult situations'
-'I don't think about negative things and see positive in everything i do'
-'tomorrow is another day'

Questionnaire Result

Question 3:

We decided to leave this question as an open answer to get as many different responses as possible. As you can see the majority of the answers that we had received were family and friends.

Questionnaire Result

Question 2:

We noticed that all responses where at different ages, the age groups with the highest percentages where 18-24, 25-34 and 35-44. We wasn't shocked with these results due thaw we published the survey and who had access to it, for example our Facebook is our family and friends and some people others that we know through other people.

Questionnaire Result

We created an online questionnaire, to find out how people cope with all different situations. Both of us published the link to this survey on our social media pages; Facebook,Twitter and also sending our friends and family texts with the link.

Question 1:

From 68 people filling out questionnaire, we noticed that the majority where women. Which wasn't a surprise to us as women as a whole are more opening about their feelings and problems.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Movie Night

The C Word
This is a series which was shown on BBC1 which was released May 3rd 2015, it was an hour and half long. This was a programme about her experience of cancer, based on her own popular blog which were launched not long after her diagnosis. Even though we are coping with different situation this made us release that we use similar strategies. The film is a story of life, love and cancer 

P.S. I Love You
This film was released in 2007, her husband suddenly dies due to having a brain tumour and she feels like life will never go on therefore withdrawing herself from her friends and family. As a part of her coping strategies she started doing things that her and her husband used to do together by him arranging it prior to his death, eventually she finds another man and can finally move on with her life after years of grieving.

Ways I cope - Jamie-lee

Of a night time I find myself thinking and worrying about problems, I will randomly some nights start cleaning, stacking or de stacking the dishwasher, sweeping the floors or re-organising my wardrobe or sorting through my things in my bedroom. As a child I have also enjoyed drawing and colouring, so one day i noticed on Instagram a short advisement on a new app for phones, it is called Colorfy. This app gives you the opportunity of what you can colour in, by completing a picture of a night, I found this relaxing and taking my mind off of craziness that goes through my head just before shutting my eyes. I believe that this is a coping mechanise and would / have advised people to download and have a go themselves to help deal with their own situations.